Copyright 2025 District 20. Contact

This webite exists to support those of us in recovery and those who have not yet found us. We do this by:
1. Providing meeting lists, contact numbers and other support functions for members and prospective members of District 20. Other than the password protected area this is designed to be a public information website for anyone searching for information.
2. Providing a calendar of Area 74, District 20 and other locations activities, events and flyers. We will generally post anything that is an AA sponsored event.
3. Providing links to literature and A.A. readings as a resource for meetings.
4.. Providng links to other A.A. websites such as World Services, Grapevine and others.
5. Providing District 20 service information such as meeting minutes, 7th tradition addresses, forms and literature for sale. To protect our anonymity, some of this may be password protected.
6. Providing links to other "non-affiliated" sites that may help in our recovery such as the U.P Traveling Intergroup, Alateen. Etc. These will clearly be identified as "non-affiliated" and will require clicking through a disclaimer.
7. We will publish items in the format we receive them. Please be aware of the tradition of anonymity and keep last names or other personal identifying items out of flyers.
8. It is the sole discretion of the District 20 web committee what we will publish or link to.
9. This is your website. Please contact webmaster with any suggestions, comments, meeting changes, events or errors. Webmaster can be contacted via email at